3 min readAug 7, 2023

Going beyond Books and Degrees | Mastering the Skills of Reading People in the Whole New Level

Reading People Beyond Books and Degrees

Learn how to READ,not the books,i mean HUMAN…

Learn more,learn ‘till that things makes you go Hhhhhmmmm …

Reading books is all well and good, but if you really want to expand your mind, you've got to learn how to read humans. Yeah, you heard me right. Humans are like these fascinating, complex creatures that hold a wealth of knowledge and experiences. And let me tell you, it's not just about memorizing facts and figures. No, no, no. It's about diving deep into the human psyche, understanding ourselves and others on a whole new level.

I'm not saying books are useless. They definitely have their place in education. But we've got to recognize their limitations. They can only take us so far. It's when we step outside the pages and start engaging with real people that the magic happens.

We usually equate education with our capacity to read books and acquire knowledge. To graduate from a university and hold a prestigious degree. That is education for most people. Yet, what usually happens when I identify with the knowledge I have accumulated or the university I graduated from? Arrogance and that’s when the pride are born.

You see, the more prestigious the institution the greater the arrogance and pride. And the greater the arrogance and pride ,the more the ignorance about our true nature. Because once you remove all the degrees, diplomas, and knowledge, all of us are nothing psychologically. We are all human beings, frightened, isolated, and struggling to be seen and accepted. We are all born and die alone. No matter the journey we must leave this world empty-handed.

True education is to remove this illusory veil that separates you from the rest of humanity. And once that veil is gone, all comparison is eliminated. An educated mind does not categorize people according to their wealth, power, or physical allure. An educated mind does not feel inferior or superior to anyone. Such a person does not compete and is not ambitious to achieve and climb any ladder, social or spiritual.

Human education is this incredible journey of self-discovery and connection. It's about tearing down those walls of arrogance and comparison that we've built around ourselves. It's about opening our hearts and minds to empathy, to truly understanding the experiences of others. And let me tell you,when you embark on this journey, you'll find yourself going "Hhhhhmmmm" as you uncover the true essence of learning.

School is not the only place to learn and be educated. Modern education is obsolete already.Look within - that is true education.

So, my advice to you is just embrace the beauty of human education. Dive headfirst into the messy, unpredictable world of human interaction. Learn from the stories and experiences of others. And trust me, you'll come out the other side a wiser, more compassionate soul. So, what are you waiting for? Let's go on this adventure and discover the incredible power of human education. Are you ready? I know I am.


Written by CURATED_narrative

Enigmatic Wordsmith | Enotive Scribe | Eternal Vagabond

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